Spatial Solutions

Using innovative and leading geospatial technology we manage, analyse and solve problems related to location, providing a trusted single point of truth relating to all facets of a project

We use geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing, mobile mapping, web applications, drones and other related technologies to collect, store, analyse, manage and display spatial data in a meaningful way.

Spatial solutions are an integral part of every project, including project management, urban planning, natural resource management, environmental monitoring and communications. By using spatial solutions, our clients gain insights into complex spatial relationships allowing them to make informed decisions that improve their planning, operations, risk management, and outcomes.

How we assist

As an integral part of every project, our team manage all aspects of spatial data, creating and fostering the links between technical specialists, developing and delivering innovative methods and practices, and reducing risk and rework through open and transparent collaboration. With expertise across the full spectrum of environmental technical disciplines, our team are uniquely able to understand the challenges, relationships and collaboration required to deliver on all projects.

From project inception, through field work and data capture, reporting and delivery, our analysts are at the forefront of innovative technology use and data management practices, creating opportunities for our teams, our clients and their projects.

Our services:
  • Web mapping and app development
  • Mobile data and collection app development and deployment
  • Project dashboards
  • Story boards
  • Constraints, proximity and spatial analysis
  • Drone data capture and processing
  • Remote sensing
  • Data management
  • 3D modelling (viewshed analysis, canopy height model, vegetation density model, vegetation classification and aggregation, slope, aspect)
  • Data conversion, digitising and georeferencing
  • Data sourcing, managing and gap analysis
  • Mapping, cartography and figure production
  • Bushfire assessment


Our team are uniquely able to understand the challenges, relationships and collaboration required to deliver on all projects.

Our team uses innovative geospatial technology to manage and analyse location-related problems in projects, providing a trusted source of truth for all facets of a project.

Digital platforms are increasingly being used to present scientific and technical information related to environmental impact statements.

The ability to incorporate visual communication tools such as maps, diagrams, and interactive graphics, enables complex information to become more accessible and easier to understand. First developed by EMM in 2018 to present the Snowy Hydro 2.0 Exploratory Works and Main Works Environmental Impact Statements, the platform was built for the sole purpose of creating opportunities for greater stakeholder engagement.

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