Hunter Valley Operations Continuation Project

Hunter Valley Operations (HVO) is an established multi-pit open cut coal mining complex, comprising two mine sites separated by the Hunter River, HVO North and HVO South. While the two mine sites are approved under separate development consents, they operate as one complex with fully integrated environmental management systems.

Hunter Valley Operations Pty Ltd | New South Wales

Project overview
Hunter Valley Operations is seeking approval for the Hunter Valley Operations Continuation Project. Broadly, the Project involves the continuation of the life of HVO North and HVO South, from the current approved mining completion dates of 2025 and 2030 respectively, to the end of 2050 at HVO North and the end of 2045 at HVO South. The continuation of mining across the HVO Complex will optimise resource recovery from the existing operation, predominantly by extracting coal from deeper seams at HVO North by mining through previously mined areas and within the extent of existing mining tenements. At HVO South, an extension to the life of mine is proposed to allow for improved mine sequencing outcomes. To facilitate ongoing mining activities the Project includes the realignment of Lemington Road and the relocation of electricity and telecommunication infrastructure along with other infrastructure upgrades.
Our involvement
The EMM team prepared the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to assess the social, environmental and economic impacts of the Project that will accompany the development applications under Part 4, Division 4.1 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. Our expert team of assessment advisors and technical specialists have supported the HVO team throughout the assessment process. From the initial conceptual mine plan design phase, throughout the scoping phase, managing the Commonwealth referrals, completion and lodgement of the EIS, during the public exhibition and review of submissions, the trusted EMM team provided guidance and support to HVO.
Technical solutions
  • Aboriginal Heritage
  • Acoustics
  • Contamination Assessment and Remediation Management
  • Environmental Planning and Approvals
  • Groundwater
  • Historical Heritage
  • Landscape Architecture and Visual Assessment
  • Social Assessment and Performance
  • Water Policy, Planning and Governance